In a measuring cup measure out 1 cup of fruit juice. In a large bowl, whisk all the unflavored gelatin, citric acid and flavored gelatin together. 12 ounces f lavored gelatin of your choice From there leave all that in the pan and make your jello mix. When the liquid in the pan is a thick goo that barley slides when tilted to have the RSO. Once it’s getting like that set off the burner for a minute to cool. You start to see less bubbles and mist and you’ll see the liquid getting thicker and black. I dont use anything to stir just roll the pan. While cooking off lift the pan and swirl the liquid slowly to keep everything mixed up and cooking evenly. I also put a small fan on low pointing at the pan and tuen it on as needed to keep temps in range and helps move the fumes around. If you don’t have a thermometer no big deal just keep the stove on the lowest setting and watch for little bubbles and a mist to come off while evaporation is starting. Decarbing happens around 250 so I try to start away from that number so the THC isn’t damaged. Here I use a infrared thermometer and try to keep the burner around 200°-220° at most and the pan with the tincture around 140°-190°. When I make my gummies I’ll measure out 1 cup of the tincture and pour into an unheated pan and set the stove on low heat. I usually strain mine into a larger glass measuring cup to see exactly how much tincture I needed up with (a little evaporates with the cooking heat), an makes it much easier to pour into my amber tincture bottle for storage. I use nitrile gloves so I can squeeze everything out. Once it’s all done strain it good thru the microfiber bags you got with your MB or if you didnt cheesecloth works. Theres a shorter 4 hour tincture option but I found the 8 hour more potent and flavorful so I only use that one. You want the higher proof to strip all the THC from the plant material and it evaporates and cools off much easier. When I make my RSO I’ll decarb 2 oz, then put the 2 decarbed oz’s in the MB and add 2 oz’s of 190 proof Everclear. Not mad at all given the amount I’ve used it over the last couple years. I love my machines! My MB just started making a loud noise when in use so going to have to get a new one soon.