This challenge is available to Elemental Shaman, Feral Druids, Fire Mages, Fury Warriors, Outlaw Rogues, and Unholy Death Knights.Ĭlosing the Eye: Defeat Archmage Xylem at the Eye of Eternity. The challenges are:Īn Impossible Foe: Defeat Agatha, the Imp Mother in her lair. There are seven encounters available, and your specialization will determine which challenge you'll face. There, at Deliverance Point, you'll be able to enter the tower and engage in a challenge meant to test your skills. While the Legion Timewalking event is active, you may travel to the Broken Isles and reach the Broken Shore from Dalaran. Are you a master of your class? It's time to put your knowledge and skill to the test once more! Legion Timewalking brings back the excitement with all-new rewards to obtain, and a chance to prove your tenacity.

Hopefully by the time patch 10.1.5 arrives with Battle for Azeroth Timewalking, the schedule will be revamped in such a way to make Timewalking events more frequent, so it’s a little easier to collect our Timewalking rewards.When first introduced in Legion, the Mage Tower challenged players to conquer unique solo class-specific encounters. With each specific Timewalking event only available three times a year, getting the rewards from them is going to become a lot harder even with the regular schedule. It is unknown if this “bug” will make it to live with patch 9.1.5, but until Blizzard tells us otherwise it is best to assume that it will follow the schedule outlined above. Note that on the PTR the calendar was incorrect for Legion Timewalking after the December event - it appeared directly adjacent to Pandaria Timewalking while there is also a gap when it is expected to be held. This means that there are 18 weeks between events, so if you miss Legion Timewalking in December or aren’t able to complete all your goals in the initial fortnight, you will not be able to make more attempts until April 12th, 2022, and after that, the week of August 16th.

Burning Crusade Timewalking will thus be held starting on December 28th (three weeks after the start of Legion the fact that Legion Timewalking will take place over two weeks the first time does not impact this), Wrath Timewalking will follow on January 18th, and so on. Fortunately we won’t have to wait too much longer, as information on the PTR has confirmed that it’ll first be held on December 7th and will last for two weeks the first time it’s held, giving players plenty of chances to brave the Mage Tower.Īs of the arrival of Legion Timewalking, all Timewalking events will be moving to a strict every three weeks schedule (previously they would occur every three or four weeks). That means there’s a bit of a delay before we see the first Legion Timewalking event.

With Pandaria Timewalking having completed just one week prior, it would be too soon to premier Legion Timewalking with the patch, and in addition Blizzard plans to keep the current Timewalking rotation intact, so Draenor Timewalking will occur as scheduled on November 9th. World of Warcraft Shadowlands patch 9.1.5 is now live, and with it will come Legion Timewalking and the return of the Mage Tower for two weeks starting on December 7th, but the Mage Tower gets an additional two weeks on top of that, and will close with maintenance in the first week of January.